Tuesday, May 17, 2011

One Of Those Days

I'm Bijei and I sing in a band and just recently after this particular gig I had somewhere around qc I went home feeling low..I lost my balance and just went from cheerful to melodramatic. 

At this certain prod we played last and the people there knew everybody. They were peers just like at schools. I was the newcomer..They were polite and welcoming..they are the beautiful and the cool people. I watched each band’s set and I applauded after each song. I wasn’t really a big fan of their genre though but I do respect its kind. 

So then it was our turn to play, I noticed that they were all at the back and it seems to me they were having a party. I had a hard time singing properly because of the noise they were making. Don't get me wrong its not like I'm being a prima donna but I want them to sitdown and pay attention. They have the right not to watch us play but they should consider not talking so loud. Well I know that whatever I write is still entitled to oppositions and negative reactions and I know that some people will defend the idea of each others individuality and uniqueness. But we do have something that we call ethics and what we know as, the norm.

I'm sure there are rebels who will see me in a bad light and tell me to just let it be but I still wanna write this and share to most people the importance of the words consideration and respect. I respect anyone who writes, sings, plays and  anyone who can carry or not carry a tune. Anything that relates to music..to you, who's passion is music..I respect you.. (and to any other field or vocation too, much respect) 

If you’re a musician and by chance ill be in the crowd, watching.. I give you the stage, the spotlight.. I will listen to your story and if your someone out there who dreams to be a star one day and your singing in the shower, the stage is yours. It awaits. For if you have a good heart and you are working hard to achieve it, success will echo its way back to you..

Please catch my band Persephone at our gigs!


  1. that's the problem in the world to day ethics are neglected to do their natural instinct but at the end of the day knowing what's right or wrong will make a difference in other people so to you miss barbara jeanne i salute you! im proud to know that there still a good person out there and after your gig you still didnt go berserk on them hahaha! so live love respect and peace makes the world go round! ^^

    -Ruben Claravall III

  2. thank you so much for taking the time to read my note..im glad we share the same sentiments..

  3. huhuhu! i wrote a really long reply in 5:00 in the morning but it didnt post huhuu! can't remeber what i said! T.T

    -ruben claravall III

  4. aww its okay..sayang nga lang pero cheer up..have a great day..

  5. its ok but that was really long and i had to use my brain (not doing so often hahaha! ^^) well anyways i envy you guys even though what happend you still performed and rocked the staged that's what important! ^^

  6. bijei, not because you respect those people means you'll get the same respect that you gave. This is reality. Some people really play and perform just to showcase their talents and their riffs and all. But you see, this is the reason why our music industry is in the brink of a coma, artists and bands do not respect and support each other. We had the same sentiments too. Word of advice, you better have a tough heart and thick face but do not lose your focus, and your purpose in playing. Coz in the end, you really cannot put a good man down. It's your music that really matters. Cheers to the likes of you. May your tribe increase!

  7. thank you so much..yes and i agree with you..i think that even with all these things happening we should continue with integrity and dignity..cheers to you too! much love and respect..


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