Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Metal Scene

This week an admin of Indie Band News messaged me and asked if I could write an article about the Indie Metal Scene or about Indie Metal bands. Honestly, I found it hard to come up with something interesting to write about. I’m actually writing this article spontaneously with no drafts, no nothing. So please bear with me here. I’m not a metal know it all, I just write what I think. Well then, let’s do this shit!

Metal is all about expressing oneself with no regard for the social norm. It’s about raising your middle finger to the corrupt government, your professor, your neighbor and anything that pisses you off. Metal is about freedom. Metal is about breaking through the barriers which confines and limits your thought, creativity and imagination. 

No wonder there are so many independent metal bands around the world. They struggle and in this struggle they hone and refine their own brand of metal. No need for fame. No need for all that glamor. Independent metal bands only need a small bar, a handful of people and a moshpit. Personally, playing on a big stage is a wonderful experience. Now Ive experienced playing in bars and I tell you nothing beats playing a gig in a small overcrowded bar. You are close to the audience and you can feel the vortex of energy swirling all around you when the first beat of the song hits. You can see people moshing and kicking at each other and you can’t help but smile at the beauty of the moment. Personally it makes me happy to see that they get the release that they want whenever we play a song regardless of whether they actually know our song. I think it is this feeling that independent metal bands cherish which is the feeling of unity. But ultimately, the greatest thing about being independent is actually controlling the reins of the music that you are making. And that is what metal is all about right? No holds barred, in your face, home-brewed metal goodness. 

Being independent also highlights great talent within each individual in the band. There is no hindrance and yes I am repetitive, the bands can do whatever the fuck they want with their songs. It is a constant evolution in the independent metal scene. Never ending experimentation and exploration of the limitless possibilities that music can bring is always a must for the independent metal band. 

Support for the independent metal scene is growing steadily and it’s good to see that independent metal bands can play at quality gigs nowadays. There are productions that cater primarily to metal bands and you can expect a decent thrashing and also body pains whenever you come home from a gig. 

All I can say is the future of the independent metal scene is good and full of potential. Now who wants to go the Mass Defect Album Launch with me on the 28th?

1 comment:

  1. I watched, I ate, a breathe and i even went to work with metal shit in mah brains. It's such a shame coz my real genre is just plain rock, nice and safe and lollipop to my ears. But eversince i started hanging out with metal core band-friends of mine, I started to really appreciate it. I think about it all the time. You are correct that there is a future in the metal scene in this country. Just in Cavite alone, the scene is so loud you can hear it all the way to Manila. Metal bands all flocking to bar after bar in LP, Molino and Imus. I hope someone will really appreciate and promote them. I think, metal or rock industry in this country is a better alternative to Kpop and the likes.
    Also, how come there is a Mass Defect Album Launch in Dasma? We are anticipating its coming here in the South.


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